Lying Less in Language Teaching (with Jessica Keller)

Lying Less in Language Teaching (with Jessica Keller)

"By lying, we deny others a view of the world as it is. Our dishonesty not only influences the choices they make, it often determines the choices they can make—and in ways we cannot always predict. Every lie is a direct assault upon the autonomy of those we lie to" (Sam Harris).  So what of lying in language teaching? How honest are we with our students? How honest are schools with their teachers? And how can we be more honest with ourselves? We discuss with ESL recruitment guru, Jessica Keller.

Applying Critical Thinking In Classes and Materials Writing (with John Hughes)

Applying Critical Thinking In Classes and Materials Writing (with John Hughes)

We speak with ELT course book author and teacher trainer extraordinaire John Hughes about critical thinking: what is it, how can teachers use it and what challenges it presents for teachers and students

How to Apply What You Learn (with Matt Courtois and Karin Xie)

How to Apply What You Learn (with Matt Courtois and Karin Xie)

Learning is one thing. Using what you learn is something else. We speak with Karin Xie about how to bridge the gap. Find out how to help students apply their learning, how teachers can apply what they learning on teacher training courses and what trainers and teacher educators can do to encourage teachers apply more of what they learn in professional development.

Podcast: Read To Learn (With Paul Nation)

Podcast: Read To Learn (With Paul Nation)

We celebrate our second anniversary episode by interviewing Emeritus Professor Paul Nation about reading. Paul tells us about research into the effectiveness of reading, why as teachers we tend to avoid including reading in our classes and how we can start doing more reading in class.

Podcast: Context - the Secret Sauce in Language Teaching & Training (with Matt Courtois)

Podcast: Context - the Secret Sauce in Language Teaching & Training (with Matt Courtois)

Understanding what people in say from the sounds they make is all but impossible without context, even in our first language. So how can we make more use of this amazing tool which helps prediction, understanding, engagement and application? We discuss what context is, why it’s important and how to incorporate it when teaching adults, teaching kids and in teacher training.

Racism In EFL (with Asia Martin)

Racism In EFL (with Asia Martin)

Do teachers of different races get treated differently? Do schools prefer white teachers? Do students care what color their teacher's skin is? We interview Asia Martin about her experiences as a black teacher in China and discuss Ross' research into racism in TEFL recruitment.

Highlights from IATEFL 2018 in Brighton (Part 2)

Highlights from IATEFL 2018 in Brighton (Part 2)

The second of our two-part special from the 2018 IATEFL conference in Brighton. We chat with our friends, fellow teacher trainers and returning podcast guests David Weller, Simon Galloway, Fifi Pyatt and new guest and DipTESOL candidate Will Ferguson about technology in the classroom, activities for teenagers, creating positive group dynamics in classes, native and non-native English teachers and effective practices in language teaching.

Highlights From IATEFL 2018 in Brighton (Part 1)

Highlights From IATEFL 2018 in Brighton (Part 1)

Didn’t make it to Brighton for this year’s IATEFL conference? We chat with returning guests and friends Dave Weller, Simon Galloway and Felicity Pyatt and new guest Will Ferguson about the best ideas and concepts from the IATEFL’s 52nd annual conference.

Podcast: How to Start Thinking Straight - Cognitive Biases for Teachers, Trainers & Managers (with Simon Galloway)

Podcast: How to Start Thinking Straight - Cognitive Biases for Teachers, Trainers & Managers (with Simon Galloway)

Cognitive biases screw up our thinking. They make us make bad decisions, come to wrong wrong conclusions and for the most part we're completely unaware of them. This week we speak with Trinity DipTESOL course Director Simon Galloway about cognitive biases for teachers, cognitive biases for trainers and cognitive biases for managers and how to avoid them and start thinking more clearly. 

Podcast: Is "Less" Sometimes "More" In Teaching, Training and Management? (Matt Courtois)

Podcast: Is "Less" Sometimes "More" In Teaching, Training and Management? (Matt Courtois)

We look at minimalist approaches to teaching, training and management and discuss examples of when less busy means more efficiency.

The "Native" / "Non-Native" English Teacher Debate (with Dave Weller)

The "Native" / "Non-Native" English Teacher Debate (with Dave Weller)

What are the real differences between "native" and "non-native" English teachers? How did we end up with these distinctions in our industry? And what should we be doing about discrimination? We meet with Dave Weller to discuss the issues surrounding "native" and "non-native" English teachers such as attitudes of parents and teachers, the responsibilities  of language schools and how to change opinions.

Podcast: Personalizing Learning, Development and Work

Podcast: Personalizing Learning, Development and Work

Personalization is in every aspect of our lives; the clothes we wear, the TV we watch, the podcasts we listen to. But what about in language teaching? In this episode we discuss how teachers can personalize lessons and materials for students, how trainers can personalize development for teachers and how managers can personalize work for their staff.

Podcast: Teaching Writing to the Students We Forgot (with David Tait)

Podcast: Teaching Writing to the Students We Forgot (with David Tait)

Why don't we teach writing more? Is writing less interesting than other skills? Or less useful? Or just harder to teach? We (Ross, Tracy and Matt Courtois) speak to published author and ESL writing specialist David Tait about how to teach writing and the students who thrive when writing that we forget about when teaching speaking.

The Spaces We Teach In

The Spaces We Teach In

There are more or less three constants present in every educational setting: students, teachers and classrooms. This episode we focus not on the participants, but on the spaces for English language learning. We discuss how to set up a classroom, how seating can support your students (or sabotage your lesson) and how teachers and students can benefit from moving their class outside the classroom (from time to time).

Podcast: How to Survive Your Next Observed Lesson (with Matt Courtois)

Podcast: How to Survive Your Next Observed Lesson (with Matt Courtois)

Being observed can be one of the most nerve wracking experiences that we go through as ESL teachers. We speak with TEFL teacher trainer, manager and serial observer Matt Courtois about what you (as a teacher) can do to survive (and possibly even learn from) your next observation.

What Can Podcasts Do For English Language Teaching? (with the TEFLology Podcast's Matthew Turner and Robert Lowe)

What Can Podcasts Do For English Language Teaching? (with the TEFLology Podcast's Matthew Turner and Robert Lowe)

More than a quarter of adults in the US now listen to podcasts. But how can podcasts help teachers and students?We interview Matthew Turner and Rob Lowe from the TEFLology Podcast about how podcast can positively influence teacher development and be help students inside and outside the classroom.

Podcast: What Motivates Teachers?

Podcast: What Motivates Teachers?

In mainstream education, half of all teachers leave the teaching profession within five years of joining. If teachers are the most important factor in helping students learn it’s essential we figure out what managers, schools and teachers themselves can do to solve this problem.

What is Testing and How Does it Shape Our Teaching? (with Dan Ellsworth)

What is Testing and How Does it Shape Our Teaching? (with Dan Ellsworth)

Testing is a huge part of learning, but most teachers don't know a lot about it. We ask test guru Dan Elsworth all about testing. What is a test? How is it different to an assessment? How Can you go about writing a test? How can you assess students for a learner profile? How do tests affect teaching? Yes, we asked him a lot of questions. Listen to hear the answers...